Celebrating Community:
30 Years of Word Vancouver
Keep an eye out for what’s to come in 2025!
We’re thrilled to share that our executive director bonnie nish is this year’s recipient of the Asian Canadian Writers’ Workshop Community Builders award.
From the ACWW:
This award is given to an individual or organization demonstrating commitment and devotion to racial equity and advocating inclusion for Asian Canadians and the literary community. Over the years, your work has contributed to Vancouver's literary community through your leadership roles and personal achievements. As the founder and Executive Director of Pandora's Collective Outreach Society, you have been instrumental in organizing ongoing literary events that also provide a platform for diverse and racialized writers. As Executive Director of Word Vancouver, you have guided the largest celebration of literacy and reading in Western Canada during one of the most difficult times of the organization’s history and brought in fresh voices, sincerity, and inclusivity in your selection of writers, always ensuring Asian Canadian writers are heard at the festival. During the darkest times of the pandemic, you provided friendship and support to community organizations such as ACWW and the Gung Haggis Fat Choy events.
You have significantly enriched Vancouver's literary landscape through your multifaceted roles, supporting emerging and established writers and fostering a vibrant community of literary enthusiasts. Over the years, ACWW has honoured individuals, community organizations, and educational institutions that have significantly contributed to the community. Past recipients of the ACWW Community Builders Awards include Roy Mah, Wayson Choy, Paul Yee, Harvey Lowe, Roy Miki, Fred Wah, The Bulletin (National Association of Japanese Canadians), Joy Kogawa, Scott McIntyre, Gim Wong, Evelyn Lau, Tradewind Books, and Brian Lam. Your tireless efforts and your dedication to our community is an inspiration to us all and very much exemplifies the spirit of this award.
This is Why Word Matters
Michelle Cyca on why Word Vancouver is so important.
Kevin Spenst on why Word Vancouver is so important.
Kevin Chong on why Word Vancouver is so important.
For thirty years, Word Vancouver has delivered FREE engaging, poignant, entertaining and diverse programming in a multi-day festival in the heart of our city. The festival provides opportunities for literature lovers of all ages to meet and learn from authors and industry professionals with incredible stories to share, issues to raise, and skills to teach. In short: the best BC has to offer, all for free.
Burgeoning writers are connected to writing programs, manuscript consults, pitching and editing workshops. Local publishers mingle with readers and industry colleagues in the exhibitor market. Authors share their works with a captivated audience, answer questions, and sign their books - sometimes for the first time!
This is just a small sampling of what we do and how we impact our community.
In keeping with our values of transparency and community, we are writing to share that Word Vancouver’s financial health has been significantly impacted due to a loss of public grants and sponsorships, and rising operational costs. This struggle is certainly not unique to us, as arts programs across the province are all vying for a decreasing pool of accessible funds in an economically challenging time.
We went into this year with an operating budget reduced by about $35,000 compared to the previous year, making cuts to our (already very small) staff, and reducing our production and programming expenses by half. Compared to last year, public funds are down $22,000, funds through sponsorships and foundations down $19,000, and earned revenue (ad sales and exhibitor fees) decreased by $2,500. On the other hand, we are delighted to share that individual donations (to date) increased by $3,800, and our fundraising revenue is up by $7,000!
Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we have come up short by $25,000.
We are reaching out to our community and beyond to help us keep Word Vancouver ALIVE and FREE. We are asking you to become a supporter of Word Vancouver and make a difference to the literary and artistic landscape in BC. If just 100 people donate $250 we can reach our goal. Each donation of $20 or more receives a tax receipt, and $5 or $10 can directly support our need. Every donation counts. To everyone who has contributed this year, we are so grateful.
And don’t forget the impact your words have on others. Please share how Word Vancouver has impacted your life and encourage others to contribute. Your words and stories are vital to us - let us know why Word matters to you, and we’ll share your voice with our community. Together, we can continue this important work!
With thanks,
Dr. Bonnie Nish, Executive Director Word Vancouver
The Board of Directors of Word Vancouver